Monday, July 25, 2022

Post #5 Computer In A Workplace


Hello Everyone,

    For this week's discussion, the industry I have chosen is healthcare. I chose healthcare because I have worked in this industry for about eight years, but only three years were in information technology. With my experience in the healthcare industry, I can give insight as I worked with users in the clinic and with users on the business side.

    In both of these environments, I have met with users who are not computer literate and had to teach them so that they would not compromise any patient information. In the healthcare industry, we must protect all of our patient's PHI (Protected Health Information) because HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) will fine the hospital. Our role in IT is essential because we use technology to encrypt our data and protect PHI to ensure that patients have the confidence to go to our hospital.

    To evolve our IT systems, we are moving toward a virtual environment because it will save the company money, ensure that if a computer is lost/stolen that there is no PHI on the hard drive, and be able to access work on any device. I can see this impacting the healthcare IT industry because of how we can control the user's environment because we can see all the applications they use and retrieve any logs if something is not running correctly. We can also save the IT department money by implementing more thin clients, so we do not have to purchase laptops and pc because everything they need would be in the virtual client.



Vahid, F., Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all.                      &_Literacy_(TED2227A)

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