Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Java Install and Tutorial

Hello Everyone,

    In this blog post, I will talk about Java and discuss how to install Java to program. Java is an Object-Oriented Programming System (OOPs) that is aimed at implementing real-world entities in a programming language. The concepts for OOPs are the following:

·         Object – Any entity that has state and behavior

·         Class – Collection of Objects

·         Inheritance – When one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of a parent object

·         Polymorphism – If one task is performed in different ways

·         Abstraction – Hiding internal details and showing functionality

·         Encapsulation – Binding code and data together into a single unit

To learn Java programming with NetBeans and run Java applications, please see the

following steps below to install on a Windows Operation System:

1.      Visit to download and install Java JDK 17. When opening this website, please click on the JDK 17 tab and then Windows below. Choose the x64 Installer download link to download the file and open it up to install it.

2.      Many Java development environments exist, but we will use NetBeans IDE for this example. Please go to their website here to download Apache NetBeans 17. JDK is required to install NetBeans (Step 1), and it will not let you install it without installing it first.

3.      Create your first application with the Hello World program by using these instructions here

    By following these instructions, you have created your first Java program, which should look similar to what I have here in the screenshot below:

Congratulations on installing Java and creating your very first Java program!

Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

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