Monday, July 25, 2022

Post #1 Programming Languages


Hello Everyone,

            My experience in programming was reading our textbook (Chp 2.11) and doing the activities in it, so when asked to create 30 blocks using a block programming language called Scratch ( Scratch is easier to use than Python because you choose different block commands and fit them in like a puzzle piece. Using Python was challenging because if you do not enter the commands correctly, such as a symbol or a space in between, the program fails without letting you know what is wrong.

            There were several difficulties I ran into while using Scratch. Looking through all the block commands was overwhelming, so I watched several tutorials to understand how to use Scratch. I found a tutorial on a game that reminded me of games I played when I was younger, which caught my interest in how a game like that was made. While using that tutorial as a baseline and creating my own game, I ran into issues where the game didn’t play as planned. After many trials and errors with different block commands, I created a similar game that I had in mind.

            The insight I gained from this exercise is that anything that has to do with programming takes time, as you have to carefully look through every command to find what is causing the program not to run correctly. I find that block programming is used for animations, and Python runs equations such as scenarios, which uses math. I found block programming easiest to use because your commands fit like a puzzle piece, and you can run the program to see if it runs correctly.

            After using both programs, I believe block programming would be the most popular after using both programs because of how quickly someone can pick this up and create something without experience in programming. You can find my Scratch program here at and enjoy the game I made.



Vahid, F., Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all.

Scratch. Accessed 1 July 2022.

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