Monday, July 25, 2022

Post #2 Web/Mobile App Review


Hello Everyone,

            The application I choose is the Netflix application. I chose this app as it is user-friendly for anyone to use, and the design of visually appealing to the eyes. The Netflix app is a monthly subscription service that lets you use its service to stream movies, tv shows, documentaries, games, short clips, and reality shows.




The screenshot above shows what Netflix looks like once you open up the profile selected, as you can see how the app is not cluttered and is easy to navigate to find what you are looking for within the application. At the top, you can choose if you want to watch tv shows or movies, and then it will let you select the categories. At the bottom of the screen are buttons to click on if you need to go back to the home screen or use the search function to look up a title. The search function is impressive within this application because as you type a few letters, it will show all the titles with the letters you type and the cover for the tv shows or movies. The one improvement they can make is when you are searching for a title, it should also let you filter your results so you know if it’s a comedy or a children's title.

As you scroll down from the home page, Netflix has different categories of titles that you can look through if you do not know what to watch. Netflix app will give you suggestions such as Top 10 TV Shows, Popular on Netflix, and Continue Watching. Another way the application help is if you are having trouble finding something to watch. One improvement that can be made is to have more foreign titles and add a section for different continents so users will not have to know the title by heart and find it by scrolling through the categories.

The next thing Netflix has is the New & Hot section at the bottom of the screen, between the Home and Fast Laughs. This section will show you all the upcoming titles and the release date. While looking through the past and future releases, you can watch a preview of the title to determine if it is something you want to watch or not. One improvement that can be made for this section is to show what titles are being dropped and what date they will be dropped. When a title is being dropped, several users would like to rewatch the title before it is gone from Netflix.

The Netflix application is accessible through the web browser, iOS/Android cellphones and tablets, and streaming devices such as Roku or Apple TV. Netflix makes it easy for you to watch it in the comfort of your home or away from home so you can be up-to-date on what has been released. Netflix has made sure that it does not matter what platform you are using and can be accessible to any user as long as they have access to the internet. If you know that you will not have any internet, then Netflix has an option for the users to download the titles to watch them at another time.


Netflix. Accessed on July 5, 2022


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