Monday, July 25, 2022

Post #3 Documenting A Day


Hello Everyone,

            In this week's assignment, I read and got to use different Microsoft products such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I learned how to use Word to create a journal entry, Excel to use formulas, and Powerpoint to develop a presentation. Being hands-on and using these applications, I learned what type of scenario I would need to use these applications and how to use the applications to meet my goals.

            In my professional career, I need to use some applications depending on the situation. I use Mircosoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint when I need to share or present a topic with my team. The functions of Word are best used when you need to document and share something in writing. For example, it would be creating a knowledge article or shopping list but would not be helpful if keeping an inventory of items. The textbook explains that you can use Word to create bullet points or if you need to change the font size so it can be easily read, so when creating a shopping list, you will use bullet points to list out different products to purchase.

            Using Microsoft Excel is an excellent application to use when creating spreadsheet files and keeping track of inventory, but it would not help in writing a research paper. The advantage of Excel is that you can use formulas and graphs that can reflect the data, such formulas as SUM or AVERAGE, to calculate numbers. For example, it would be in our assignment to document our day using excel and creating math formulas to keep track of what we did in a day. In our textbook, I learned to use read and write a formula in a spreadsheet that computes the cell’s value based on other cells' values.

            Microsoft Powerpoint is perfect for presenting a presentation to an audience, such as highlighting a product to investors but not if you are using it to keep a database of products. The textbook taught me how to use themes and create animation effects to help keep the audience engaged. The advantage of using Powerpoint is using sound, pictures, and animation to help enhance your presentation, and the disadvantage would be using Powerpoint to create a shopping list.

            Learning what each application can do and what it is best used will help me succeed in my academic and professional goals. While using the different applications, I feel that Microsoft Word would be the appropriate application to document my day's information. For example, I can manipulate the words to create bullet points, change the font size, and use different fonts to help create a journal that can easily highlight my tasks throughout the day.




Vahid, F., Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all.                      &_Literacy_(TED2227A)

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